January 16, 2012


salam and morning;
how r you people;
hopefully fine.
i'm gonna to tell you the sweetest journey to langkawi
with my friends.

we planned it a long time ago
and we make it realize on 10 jan 2012.
we're heading to langkawi after settle down all things happened,
we rent the motel in pantai chenang,
very nice and we visited all the places there and searching for the house in OMBAK RINDU;heheh
we stayed there for 3 days,
nice journey, i love it
thank you to all my darlings
which had make all people happy there. :)

noted: next time i'll upload the pics. :)


January 8, 2012

broken angel. :)

salam and morning;

just to share a song that i just like after heard it from fairy's fon,
nice one. :)


January 2, 2012



cinta tanpa restu umpama jasad tak bernyawa. :')

exam fever!


rasa macam dah lama tak update belog kan........
everything seems change
so i'm changing too;hehehe
ok aku dah tak berapa nak betol ni dgn semua notes penuh atas meja
(bajet rajin study)
its final exam already;
dah habis pun 2 papers
yg 1 tu ok2 la
yg 2 mcm apa je;seronok rasa dok menembak jwpn utk yg tu.
tomorrow; islamic law paper;
best paper; seronok baca
sebab bila baca islamic law automatically akan ingt zaman belaja kat kisas,hehehehe

dalam sibuk dok final ni ttiba aku excited tgok org kawen;
almaklumla budak batch kawen dgn junior dorh
sapa tak excited
its only 19 years old on 2011
and now become twenty,
zaman muda remaja lagi ni
tapi tahniah la ye amir n siraj
moga Allah merahmati perkahwinan kalian.
*ok mood tak sabar tunggu anak buah dr kisas,heheh*

mood: tak sabar rasanya nak kawen macam diorg;
tapi habiskan dulu final exam ko ni aton! jgn dok gatal nak kawen sgt!HAHA



my big family. :)

my big family. :)
love all these people.

next birthday 120912

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

irama & lagu